Thursday, April 15, 2010

The lurve between me and uu !

Afiqq , I am afraid to losee u causee I have a crush on somee onee .
Butt u are the only onee on my myndd ,
I am afraid i lurve the other person moree than i lurve youu , butt
yourr attitude is changing lyke MUHD IKRAM i don't want to involve any body .
but i really lurvee you
I only havee a crushh on hymm ,,
sorry cyg ..
i'm so so sorry .
if you are able to read it please understandd mee .

1 comment:

  1. jst relaxzzz sistazzz bacer doa bny_bny unt tng kannn fkr,,,tst mee,,,i"m note lynggg...semua org prn aderr probbb cam ni bt thy stlll look std inf off plp,,,rht...byezzz?



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My name is Seri Umeera . I guess that's all you should knoe .